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Notee Binodini

Shah Jahan

Tiner Talowar

Kolikaler Buli


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Tiner Talowar
Rockville, MD, USA
May 2013

· Flyer

The drama was surtitled in English. Click here for a snapshot

Photo Albums
Tiner Talowar - Album 1
(Scenes 1 and 2)
Tiner Talowar – Album 2
(Scenes 2 through 7)
Inside both albums, click on the first picture to enlarge and enjoy the slide show

Why Tiner Talowar Today?

-Jogabrata Majumdar

Peter Brook, the renowned histrionic personality, who distinguished himself in a variety of art forms like theater, opera, film and became the Director of Royal Shakespeare Company, London, in the year 1962, once said "The theater exits in movement". Being a true follower of this sentiment and in pursuit of quality theater, Natyakrishti has been demonstrating its views and sincere commitment towards addressing the socio-political menace of today's world through its histrionic productions, presented in the past and even today.

We, the members of Natyakrishti, believe that certainty and continuity are the key factors towards achieving a goal, and shall always strive to portray our beliefs on the stage. Through logical analysis of the events around the world today, we feel that the key component of all sources of unrest is autocracy, which clearly is built up on greed, torture and subjugation. This creates a threat to world peace and brings peril to human relationship in terms of social, economical and of course, political arena.

Today, mankind has a commitment to work for a better world to live in. The use of logical precision in explaining and analyzing the cause behind the vested interests and the motive for subjugation should be manifested in our attempt to prepare meaningful theatrical productions. Natyakrishti's productions are not only unique in terms of their content, but are also exceptional in nature. Our previous presentations, like Rakta Karobi and Koli Kaler Buli bear ample testimony to the philosophy of our histrionic journey. We do not believe in using our time and effort to present a theatrical production that carries no thematic value. We would like to see no histrionic personalities making attempts to divert public sentiment towards fruitless issues; rather, their responsibilities should be to collect factual information from the history of human civilization, and present them on the stage as documentary evidence, thematically blended with aesthetic considerations in the realm of theatre. Thus, their duty would be to lead the audience to review their beliefs through their legitimate conscience, which we consider to be the priority of every sensible human soul.

Tiner Talowar is a drama that provides a clear message consistent to our thoughts. In the later part of the nineteenth century, dramas like "Neel Darpan", "Sati ki Kalankini", "Gajadananda", "Surendra Binodini", "Police of the Pig and Sheep" were being staged by some fearless heroes, namely Girish Ch, Ghose, Upendranath Das, Amritalal Bose, Ardhendu Shekhar Mustafi, Mohendra Gupta, Motilal Sur, Nati Binodini, Sukumari Devi and others. Soon, the British rulers realized that these brave personalities, through these dramas, have set off to expose the very character of the autocratic rulers that were in power at that time. The Government unilaterally imposed an act called "Indian Dramatic Act 1976", and put those heroes behind bars.

To provide a sense of light and shade to the portrayal of the principal characters namely, Benimadhab, Basundhara, Mayna, Birkrishna, Priyanath, and also the minor characters like Methar (Sweeper), Mudi, Bachaspati, Lambert, the dialogs and actions provide contrast and severe conflict between two different principles. In this drama, the author directs our attention to the struggle for freedom from autocracy. At the beginning, the Methar (Sweeper) challenges Benimadhab with a firm voice, "Can you write a drama about my life? --- no way, you will lose your class." With this statement, the Methor sets the tone of the drama, which then continues on up to the end, when finally Benimadhab converts from a self-centered and egoistical drama director to a fighter against tyranny.

Tiner Talowar established a landmark in the Indian theatrical movement, and provided a clear vision and certainly a roadmap for the theme of histrionic endeavor of all times. It succeeded in conveying a message which calls for the freedom of human spirit by standing up against tyranny --- and certainly this message transcends time and centuries, for as long as mankind has to cope with oppression and tyranny.

Let us salute those histrionic leaders whose countless, courageous contributions towards Indian theatrical arena shaped the socio-cultural consciousness of the audience. Let us commemorate the sacrifices they made, without which we would not be where we are today.